All information for an item can be viewed and changed on one screen, including the SKU, brand, department, and product category. Cost and pricing information is also found here.
Track item serial numbers after the sale or before and after the sale (full lifecycle). Lifecycle tracking provides an extra level of control and validation for your products.
Choose from several label types and sizes. Include barcodes and print product labels by individual item, department, brand, or product category.
Stock the right stuff.
Tracking inventory throughout its lifecycle is a must for any successful business. From receiving to delivery, you need real-time information about your merchandise. Too many unsold products cost you money. Having too little of an item jeopardizes relationships with customers. With TylerNet, you’ll have the timely information necessary to stock the right amount of the right products.
Inquire on everything.
View quantities onhand at all branches. See the items committed to customers and easily examine the details for each order. View the number of items on purchase orders and store transfers. Identify the quantity that are designated as Floor Model or Damaged.

A more efficient physical inventory.
Using a barcode scanner and a team counting process, you’ll take inventory faster than you ever thought possible. Know exactly how many products you physically have onhand. With our reporting tools, know exactly where the discrepancies are how much inventory shrinkage has occurred.

Import and export.
Save entry time by adding inventory from an existing list of items. Export items from inventory to use with third-party software.
To get the most out of your inventory, TylerNet allows you to easily transfer items from one branch to another.
Sell packages or bundles, which are groups of items sold at a collective price. They can be set up beforehand or on the fly during the sale.
Take your promotional efforts to a new level by creating an automatic price increase/reduction schedule for your items.
Use data to your advantage.
TylerNet inventory reports provide the metrics you need about your products. Learn the items that need to be ordered, products that are overstocked, and merchandise that has a negative quantity onhand. Also view sales trends, the value of your inventory, and a report of items that are not selling.