Metrics to grow
your business.

TylerNet Sales Analysis

See how your brands and departments are ranking against each other on a company, region, and branch level. Then make buying decisions accordingly.


Know how stores stack up against each for the current month. Instantly view your GMROI for each branch, along with the current inventory value and year to date sales.


Historical data is important, but real-time information is a critical part of the puzzle. Know what’s selling today–by store, salesperson, department, and product category.

Plan with certainty.

Your company buys and sells hundreds of items every week, but without timely and accurate sales statistics, charting an effective course for the company is almost impossible. With TylerNet, you’ll know the numbers, and more importantly, you’ll believe them.

Target marketing efforts.

Learn the ways customers find out about your store (online or print ads, web search, social media, etc.) and of those mediums, identify the ones that lead to the most sales. With this information, you’ll be able target your marketing campaigns to the best audience.

Compare to last year.

See how items are performing compared to the same time last year. Identify unpopular products and outdated models so you can stop stocking them. Find new ones that are just starting to take off.

Evaluate employee performance.

With real-time employee sales statistics, you’ll always know who your top salespeople are. Reward your best performers and identify the ones that need coaching. Create sales contests that improve employee morale and increase revenue.

Send to Excel.

Most of TylerNet’s reports can be exported to spreadsheet software, allowing you to easily share information and organize the data to the specific needs of your company.

“Installing Tyler has helped make buying decisions based on facts, not feelings. Tyler’s software gives us reliable information immediately, not the next day.”

Jamie Stephens, President, Pacific Sound & Video, Bismarck, ND


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